Personnel Commission

“The Merit System of making appointments is in its essence as democratic and American as the common school system itself.”
– Theodore Roosevelt U.S. Civil Service Commission and 26th President of the United States

The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District is a Merit System employer for classified employees. A Merit System is a form of civil service which covers a variety of human resource services for school district classified employment. Hacienda La Puente USD is one of more than 100 merit school districts in California and was adopted in 1970.

The Personnel Commission is composed of a three-member board of “known adherents” to the Merit System to oversee the system by setting policy, adopting a budget, appointing a Director of Classified Personnel and staff to administer the program. Appointments are made alternately by the Board of Education and the classified employee organization, CSEA and the third appointment is appointed jointly. Personnel Commission meetings are held at least once a month and are open to the public.

The main components of the Personnel Commission are the selection, recruitment and certification of classified employees, classification, appeals from disciplinary action and rules.

The Personnel Commission Department offers a variety of organizational services which include:

  • Recruiting and testing candidates for employment
  • Performing position classification and reclassification studies
  • Conducting salary studies and surveys
  • Holding hearings on appeals of disciplinary actions
  • Classified staff training programs

To learn more about the Personnel Commission go to our “Training Presentations” page to view a PowerPoint presentation on the roles and responsibilities of the Personnel Commission.